What To Expect

The BEAMS Research Team is working closely with your providers at El Rio or SSA to make participation safe and easy.

Before the baby is born:


You will fill out a questionnaire about your health and diet


You will collect your own stool and urine sample for research purposes


Our team will collect samples of dust and drinking water from your home


A staff member will draw a small amount of your blood for research purposes


Your provider will collect a vaginal swab during a routine exam.

After the baby is born:


You will collect your baby’s first stool (meconium) and again every few weeks, for research purposes


Your birthing/delivery team will collect cord blood from your baby’s placenta after the baby is delivered


You will collect a swab from your baby’s nose every few months, and when he/she is sick, for research purposes


Our team will draw a small amount of blood from your baby at 3 months of age


Our team will periodically collect samples of dust and drinking water from your home


When your baby has his/her normal blood tests at age 1 and 2, the phlebotomist will draw an additional small amount of blood for research purposes

Your safety, and that of our research team, is our first priority! We will do everything possible to protect you and your family during the pandemic by minimizing contact and using appropriate protective equipment for all visits.